How to Run NSX Migration tool for VMware Cloud Director?

As we all are aware, NSX for vSphere is going end of general support on January 2022 which leads to migration path from NSX-V to NSX-T. Migration of any product is not easy but this is particularly difficult for all as its not even as VMware Cloud Provider have another layer of complicity called VMware Cloud Director 😛

As a 1st step towards migration is assessment in which we would come to know, what all use-cases in used can be automated by the migration tool. Quite happy that vmware has developed a special migration tool to perform this migration called VMware NSX Migration for VMware Cloud Director .

VMware NSX Migration tool for VMware Cloud Director is released in-line with each version of VMware Cloud Director with new supported features. This tool is available as windows installer as well as Linux based.

Access to the tool is subjected to authorization.

The tool is capable of running in the 2 modes:
1) Assessment Mode
2) Migration Mode

The Idea of this blog is to help you run in assessment mode.

Step1: Download the file from location

Step2: unzip the downloaded file and navigate to location where its saved like

Step3: Open yml file called samplev2tAssessmentInput.yml and add information for VCD

if scope is to run at system level then remove rest of the configuration and save file.
In case, Assessment is required for particular Org then add the specific Org and Org vCD details

Note: Certificate verification can be skipped by setting is as False or is needed than add it in the end
Save and close the file now.

Open command prompt and navigate to the location:
D:VMware-NSX-Migration-for-VMware-Cloud-Director-1.3\vcdNSXMigrator (in my case)

To start the assessment stage run the following command:
vcdNSXMigrator.exe –filepath=samplev2tAssessmentInput.yml –v2tAssessment

Based on the number of the Organization and other item time will be taken and reports will be generated.
2 Reports are generated:
Summary report
Assessment detailed report.

Assessment report provides complete information as per Organization vDC. Hope this was useful to you.

Source: VMware_NSX_Migration_for_VMware_Cloud_Director_User_Guide.pdf and Feature Friday Episode 52.

Samesh Dhankhar
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