This post is born out of a very simple curiosity. My experience with VCPP based cloud provider has been such that we always enabled THIN type disk provisioning.
Its obvious that if we disable the THIN Provisioning, all the New VM’s will have THICK provisioned disk but was not sure whether Lazy Zeroed or Eager Zeroed!
Note: Testing was done on different scenarios which covered Reservation model, Allocation Model and Pay-As-You-Go Model.
Question: Does the Storage type (VMFS or NFS) play any role in the Disk Type?
Scenario 1:
When the Thin provisioning is disabled on a Storage policy backed by VMFS DataStore!
Solution: Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed
Scenario 2:
When the Thin provisioning is disabled on a Storage policy backed by NFS DataStore!
Solution: Thick Provision Eager Zeroed
Conclusion: Only with NFS we have change in the behavior as ESXi does not distinguish between lazy zeroed and eager zeroed virtual disks on NFS datastore. Hence creating a disk of Thick Eager Zeroed.
Just a quick read.
Samesh Dhankhar
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