Restore vCSA 6.7 with File-Based Backup!

As an extension of the last post, where we discussed how to take File-based backup and to schedule it.
In this post, we will do exactly what the title say “Restore vCSA 6.7 VM, from File based backup” from NFS.

It’s a simple 2 stage process:

  • Appliance Deployment
  • Configuration restore.

Note: You need to use same version of vCSA ISO.
Let’s go for it: Stage 1

  • Start the installer and choose the option for “RESTORE”.
  • Accept the End user license agreement.
  • Enter the location of the backup folder that contains the backup-metadata.json file.(Screenshot 1)
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2: this allows you to browse to the location

Note: It will be helpful if you copy and paste the url in your secret notes for future use.

Review the backup information

  • Select the deployment target for the VM.
  • Select Folder in the inventory for the VM.
  • Select which cluster or hostname to be used
  • Select the Deployment Size : (Based on the design you use)
Screenshot 3: VCSA size selection
  • Select the Target Datastore for the VM.
  • As we have pointed to restore the appliance, the Network setting should be already populated using the backup *.json file.
  • Review the information and click FINISH
Screenshot 4: Finish @ stage 1

deployme-nt will be started & wait for stage 2

Screenshot 5: Stage 1 Completed

Stage 2

Click Restore

Screenshot 6: Start Restore Process.
  • Re-Enter the location of the backup folder that contains the backup-metadata.json file.( As Screenshot 1)
    (Here i found the navigation to the backup folder was difficult, hence use the url saved in your secret notes)
  • Let the Restore complete and post that your healthy vCenter will be up and running with the same IP.
  • As per the instruction, Shutdown the Old vCSA VM to avoid the IP conflict.

Using this procedure, you can easily restore the vCSA from File-based backup of the VM.
If you want to schedule the backup of vCSA, please check my last post.

Samesh Dhankhar
Source: VMware Docs

Samesh Dhankhar
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